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Clock Widget

The clock widget is always the top-most widget in the widget list. It can be customized in several ways at Settings > Home screen > Clock.


The clock widget has two layouts:

  • Default: a vertical layout with a large clock and dynamic components below it
  • Compact: a horizontal layout that shows clock and dynamic components in a single row


There are six different clock styles:

  • Fat digital clock
  • Boring digital clock
  • Orbit clock
  • Binary clock
  • Analog clock
  • Empty clock; in case you want to disable the clock altogether

Dynamic components

The clock widget can show one dynamic component at a time. Clock widget components can be enabled or disabled in settings.

Base components, you can only enable one of them at a time:

  • Date: show the current date
  • Favorites: show the first row of favorites. The number of shown items depends on the grid columns setting (but in compact layout, it's 2 items less than the grid columns setting)

Additionally, these conditional components are available:

  • Media: show media controls, only when there are active media sessions
  • Alarm: show the remaining time to the next alarm, only if there is an alarm scheduled to ring within the next 12 hours
  • Battery: shows the current battery level and remaining charging time, only if battery is charging or battery level is less than 15%