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constructor(config: WeatherPluginConfig)


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open fun attachInfo(p0: Context, p1: ProviderInfo)
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open fun bulkInsert(p0: Uri, p1: Array<ContentValues>): Int
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open fun call(p0: String, p1: String, p2: String?, p3: Bundle?): Bundle?
open override fun call(method: String, arg: String?, extras: Bundle?): Bundle?
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open fun canonicalize(p0: Uri): Uri?
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open fun delete(p0: Uri, p1: Bundle?): Int
open override fun delete(uri: Uri, selection: String?, selectionArgs: Array<out String>?): Int
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open fun dump(p0: FileDescriptor, p1: PrintWriter, p2: Array<String>)
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open suspend fun findLocations(query: String, lang: String): List<WeatherLocation>

Find locations based on a query string. The default implementation uses the Android Geocoder and returns a list of lat lon locations. It also supports lat/lon coordinates in the format "lon name" or "lon".

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open suspend fun getLocationName(lat: Double, lon: Double): String

Get the name of a location based on lat/lon coordinates. The default implementation uses the Android Geocoder. If the Geocoder is not available, the lat/lon coordinates are formatted as a string.

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open suspend fun getPluginState(): PluginState
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open fun getStreamTypes(p0: Uri, p1: String): Array<String>?
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open override fun getType(uri: Uri): String?
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open fun getTypeAnonymous(p0: Uri): String?
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abstract suspend fun getWeatherData(location: WeatherLocation, lang: String?): List<Forecast>?

Get weather data for a set location. This is called when the user has set the location to a custom location.

abstract suspend fun getWeatherData(lat: Double, lon: Double, lang: String?): List<Forecast>?

Get weather data for the current location. This is called when the user has set the location to "Current location".

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open fun insert(p0: Uri, p1: ContentValues?, p2: Bundle?): Uri?
open override fun insert(uri: Uri, values: ContentValues?): Uri?
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open override fun onConfigurationChanged(p0: Configuration)
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open override fun onCreate(): Boolean
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open override fun onLowMemory()
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open override fun onTrimMemory(p0: Int)
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open fun query(p0: Uri, p1: Array<String>?, p2: String?, p3: Array<String>?, p4: String?, p5: CancellationSignal?): Cursor?
open override fun query(uri: Uri, projection: Array<out String>?, queryArgs: Bundle?, cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal?): Cursor?
open override fun query(uri: Uri, projection: Array<out String>?, selection: String?, selectionArgs: Array<out String>?, sortOrder: String?): Cursor?
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open fun refresh(p0: Uri, p1: Bundle?, p2: CancellationSignal?): Boolean
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open fun shutdown()
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open fun uncanonicalize(p0: Uri): Uri?
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open fun update(p0: Uri, p1: ContentValues?, p2: Bundle?): Int
open override fun update(uri: Uri, values: ContentValues?, selection: String?, selectionArgs: Array<out String>?): Int