data class Forecast(val timestamp: Long, val createdAt: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(), val temperature: Temperature, val condition: String, val icon: WeatherIcon, val night: Boolean = false, val minTemp: Temperature? = null, val maxTemp: Temperature? = null, val pressure: Pressure? = null, val humidity: Int? = null, val windSpeed: WindSpeed? = null, val windDirection: Double? = null, val precipitation: Precipitation? = null, val rainProbability: Int? = null, val clouds: Int? = null, val location: String, val provider: String, val providerUrl: String? = null)
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constructor(timestamp: Long, createdAt: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(), temperature: Temperature, condition: String, icon: WeatherIcon, night: Boolean = false, minTemp: Temperature? = null, maxTemp: Temperature? = null, pressure: Pressure? = null, humidity: Int? = null, windSpeed: WindSpeed? = null, windDirection: Double? = null, precipitation: Precipitation? = null, rainProbability: Int? = null, clouds: Int? = null, location: String, provider: String, providerUrl: String? = null)
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The weather icon
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The maximum temperature
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The minimum temperature
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Url to the provider and more weather information
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Rain probability in percent
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The temperature
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Wind direction in degrees