
data class CalendarEvent(val id: String, val title: String, val calendarName: String?, val description: String? = null, val location: String? = null, val color: Int? = null, val startTime: Long?, val endTime: Long, val includeTime: Boolean = true, val attendees: List<String> = emptyList(), val uri: Uri, val isCompleted: Boolean? = null)


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constructor(id: String, title: String, calendarName: String?, description: String? = null, location: String? = null, color: Int? = null, startTime: Long?, endTime: Long, includeTime: Boolean = true, attendees: List<String> = emptyList(), uri: Uri, isCompleted: Boolean? = null)


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The name of the calendar the event belongs to.

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val color: Int? = null

The color of the event, as 0xAARRGGBB int.

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val description: String? = null
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End time of the event in milliseconds since epoch. For tasks: Due date of the task.

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val id: String
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val includeTime: Boolean = true

If false, only the date will be shown for the event.

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val isCompleted: Boolean? = null

If this is not null, the event is treated as a task, indicated by a checkmark in the UI.

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val location: String? = null

The location of the event.

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Start time of the event in milliseconds since epoch. For tasks, this can be null.

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val uri: Uri